Sunday, April 23, 2017


拖了一年的进展篇 ~

这样也好,放对比照也比较好分辨~ 记录一下带牙套的过程中到底改变了多少~







十月开始带强力橡皮筋 power chain,短短几个月牙缝就不见了






这比较罕见,就如上一篇所说的,因为个人有严重笑龈的问题,又不想动什么切额手术,所以才来这一个。一般要是只是要矫正乱牙,通常不需要这个。还有另一个可能性,就比较爆牙的朋友,才需要借助骨钉的辅助来把牙往后拉。话说本人爆牙问题也蛮严重,可是既然医生没建议弄多两个,咱们还是少问为妙~ 本人不想一来就四个骨钉的说~

虽然平均牙齿只能往上提2mm,心想,反正都走上了牙套这条路,现在不弄还等什么?要是真的没办法,至少,我曾尝试去改变~ 心服口服咯

答:会!是麻药消过后才会痛 !本人因为蛮怕痛的说,所以,之前就一直在网上找一些资料~大部分都说不痛~ 对,把骨钉钻进牙龈里的却不痛,因为医生会上麻药~ 完全没感觉~ 可是,本人在麻药还没消,就开始头痛了~ 大概是神经线传达给大脑的警告~ 果然没错,麻药一消,那感觉仿佛嘴巴被火烧了一样~ 下巴也不知何故,可能影响咬合的关系吧, 好酸! 真的没在夸张~ 因为不想依赖止痛药,一回家马上倒头就睡~ 一觉醒来,感觉好多了~ 

个人推理是,痛的只是因为牙齿往上移动,并非骨钉的因素~ 就像之前每个月把牙套拉紧时会痛个几天,只要休息过后,就会没事~ 嗯,大概是这样~ 因为我一觉醒来,还真的不痛了~ 😝

现在有一个难题,就是刷牙!个人觉得医生很爱吓人家~ 他说我必须确保骨钉周围必须保持非常清洁~ spotless clean is the word! 要不然骨钉会松掉,然后就要重打!!!虾米?!我知道保持清洁是为了不让牙龈感染, 可是应该不至于会松掉吧?😟 骨钉打那么高,拨开嘴唇来刷,感觉嘴唇快被撕裂至于,那里的牙龈本来就很敏感的说~ 哎,自己决定要来这个,就勇敢点把它刷好就好了~ 保庇骨钉的过程顺顺利利🙈


本人之前在意的是嘴巴放空时,合不上,现在好像有好一些 😊


现在蛮满意的说 *害羞*


呃,现在好像还好,希望牙套脱了之后,会好很多~ 哈哈哈



Sunday, February 28, 2016



本来拔牙和戴上排牙套可以在12月就搞定。可是,因为对我来说,一切还是来得有点突然, 所以,还是要求护士小姐帮我预约1月的算了~ 不然,现在的我,早就拥有完整的上下排牙套了!

没关系。就我预约的日期刚好是凯莉的婚礼的前一天, Yarling 就可以陪我去拔牙~也因为这一趟拔牙经历,让我知道他是多么的俗仔!哈哈~


一开始是非常紧张。毕竟也好几十年没拔牙了(本人牙齿还照顾得不错哦 =P)。最后一次拔牙应该是小学时期了吧。


一开始, 牙医先仔细的解说过程,还强调说,过程一点都不会痛,只是会有一点小不适,毕竟还是会有点施压的感觉,听了就比较好过些~


就这样,就开始一颗两颗三颗四颗把光光~ 而坐一旁的Yarling,我真的想不到,他会不敢看。话说,以后您太太生小孩时,你该不会就昏倒在那里了吧?

过程有出现点小状况,就是在拔右上排的1颗小臼齿时,它的根部断在牙龈里,就是说,整颗牙并没有连根的拔起。由于这样会导致牙缝会在矫正的过程没办法完全的合上,医生说必须用电钻把根部取出。 电钻主要是把牙齿磨松了,比较方便取出。这过程并没有很痛,只是有点小酸,比起小时候补牙时的酸,还差远呢!



左图是BEFORE,右图是AFTER 拔牙~ 嘴角那里有空空的港觉~

回酒店后就一觉到晚餐时间。结果也不知哪来的胆子,犯了拔牙大忌也不晓得~ 打包了那些煎炸爆炒的食物陪啤酒(刚拔完牙不宜喝酒哦)。然后食物卡在伤口,就猛漱口,想说酱比较卫生,不然伤口会发炎嘛~ (切记,医生说食物卡在伤口是正常的,食物渣自然会慢慢掉出来,所以没必要猛漱口哦,因为这样会对伤口造成压力,以及导致血块没办法凝结而难以恢复)


回去诊所,医生说那是 dry socket (乾槽症)。简单来说就是血块因没办法凝结在伤口上而导致傷口處的神經暴露在空氣, 所以就痛痛痛~! *泪*

不过医生在伤口上塞一些,他说像是tobacca,味道有点像膏状西瓜霜的东东,然后再过几天回来再把那所谓的“药” 取出把伤口弄干净就好了~

所以,整个过程,对我来说,痛的部分可能就是因为dry socket而已,其它还可以。所以往往内心的恐惧,都只是来自自己的想象,经身体验后,其实并没那么恐怖滴!

Sunday, January 10, 2016



来个中文的牙套日记~感觉中文会比较好表达~ 可能间接还是会有中英参半~

终于!踏上了牙套的不归路~ 打从一开始认真考虑带牙套到踏上第一步去上网找资料,看好几家牙诊,多少也拖了个半年吧~ 为何拖那么久?

首先,本身牙齿还算慢整齐的,只是大笑会看到牙龈,不露齿微笑时嘴巴会很憋~ 人家很欣赏那种不露齿且很有气质的微笑嘛!简单来说就是很整齐的暴牙就对了~ 加上本身颚骨的问题,一般牙套并不会完全改善我的问题~ 毕竟,我在乎的,还是笑龈的问题~ 一般传统,医师都会直接建议正颚动手术。就直接把上颚多余的牙龈组织切除掉,再把上颚往上移,笑起来自然就不会看到牙龈了。听起来很简单,可是想到是正颚手术就很可怕!而且上网找了一些资料,真的很恐怖!虽然说我去询问的医师说费用方面保险是可以赔,加上,他会给两个月的病假,所以这两方面多没问题~ 倒是蛮吸引人的~ 可是,我还是克服不了内心的恐惧!疗愈期间,才是最痛苦的好吗?有兴趣的,上网找应该不难~ 还有就是,可能因为一个手术,以后一辈子嘴边的肌肉都处于麻痹的状态。就会有一些并发症就对了~所以就放弃了手术的念头~

就一开始上网找一些蛮有好评的牙科诊所,毕竟那么多家也不懂该去哪家~因为本人是on budget,所以就找价格比较全面性的,就不会要你加这个那个之类的~ 第一家是去在Mount Elizabeth的Dr. Alfred Cheng。他是位牙齿矫正专科。如果你本身只是牙齿歪曲的问题就可以选这家。我本身因为有笑龈的问题,这医师说他不接我的case T.T 只有手术才会达到我要的效果~ 算了吧~ 听到后就超低落啊~ 虽然还是乖乖看了额骨手术师,可是真的不行~ 超俗拉!这两家诊所的医师都对我很好,完全都不收费!

然后还是不放弃,再挂号问问我工作附近的诊所。这家应该不是矫正专科。反正本身就因为那医师说话态度的问题,就也没在这家做~ 然后陆陆续续在我家附近问了两家,我姐都看不下去了,哪有人问那么多家。感觉全新加坡的诊所都被我问完了。 =.=" 然后,决定无论如何,也要踏上第一步!就也在我家附近那家 Casa Dental,弄了齿模及X-Ray, 再看看这家医师怎么说~

表面上看,牙齿不算乱, 看来蛮好的,所以大部分人都说我根本不需要带牙套。

可是看了这张,看看还有谁说我根本不需要带牙套!!! 根本就整个大暴牙!!!

还有可怕的智齿!!!还给我横躺的!人家就怕手术嘛!还给我来这个! T.T

由于这家诊所的医师坦白对我说,她没办法让我只带牙套就改善我笑龈的问题,毕竟她也不是专科,也不曾在前排牙打过骨钉,这美女医师还是建议我再找其他牙齿矫正专科医师,问看second opinion. 心想,还要问????为什么?!!其中原因是因为我要求打骨钉。看了好多台湾部落格,打骨钉在那里是再平常不过的过程,可是为什么在新加坡,话说医药方面算很完善的国家,就不能完成我打骨钉的心愿~ 呜呜~ 


最后,真的是最后了,看了Dr. Vaz,他虽然说他没办法保证带完牙套及打骨钉后,我的笑龈会完全消失,一般打完骨钉,牙齿会往上提2mm,是一般哦~ 意思是说,会有可能往上提多过2mm, 人就是要往好的方面想嘛,哈哈!可是为了避免如果以后达不到上提多余2mm的效果,然后会有强烈的失落感,就会安慰自己说,并不是所有医师都愿意打骨钉,难得这位愿意,而且是前排(人中骨钉就免了),至少死而无憾~哈哈


Sunday, April 26, 2015

First in 2015

As you may have noticed already, I've changed my blog appearance to a simpler background with lighter tone cos I'm so bored sticking to the same old dull background for years and maybe that's why I've been terribly slack in updating my blog... dark layout appears to be dull looking, lack of positive vibes boring I guess ...wth lol

Anyway, it's another usual Sunday, slacking at home but at least I got up quite early today (I mean to my standard *guilty*) trying to grab my breakkie at McD before the breakfast menu is off BUT by then I got there, no moreeee !!! I was so craving for scramble egg larrrrrrrrrr.... Nvm... Still went ahead and bought 1 apple pie, quickly grabbed few sachets of salt and sugar before fleeing lol... Why would I need those with apple pie? They got nothing to do with the apple pie but when you're staying alone, and you don cook often, it may not be practical for you to buy one big bag of those condiments for each time you need just a small amount of it~ right? somemore McD ones are packed individually so you won't have to worry bout them getting spoilt so soon and you can leave it like for months? no problem! sounded so cheapskate lol...

So just a small update on my Taipei trip in March.. I'm not much of a talking nor writing person so I won't be doing much of writings here so, just let the photos do most of the talking!

Day 1- Arrival/Ay-Chung Mee Sua/Taipei 101/Ding Wang Mala Guo

Had breakkie at Changi Airport after checking-in (pardon for the messy table =.=)

On the plane, for like 5 hours?? sleep wake up and repeat till we reach lol! It was the day after Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's wake first opened to public so the uncle sitting beside Yarling told him that he was supposed to fly yesterday but he postponed his flight just to pay tribute to Mr. Lee things like that...I don always get strangers to casual talk with me maybe I got a very arrogant looking face. Somehow people always like to talk to Yarling like almost every time when he's alone (they started making conversation only when I went to the loo) and especially when he's in Singapore... :/

So I asked him to take an #ootd pic of me while I was eyeing the luggage.....

Luggage spotted!!

So his uncle fetched us and we had a short city tour then here's our 1st meal in Taiwan! Ay-Chung Mee Sua at Xi Men Ding branch... Starving coz we both hadn't had anything on the plane since the early McD breakkie...btw, it was drizzling that time...

Night view of Taipei 101

Dinner at 鼎王麻辣火锅!!!

No joke! The staff body damn flexi man~ I bet most of the people can't even bow in a good 90 degree, can u? can u? well, can or not doesn't matter anyway la hehe

So for most of the restaurants in TW, so long as it's not the eat-all-you-can restaurants, you get to tabao all the soup based and whatever dishes that you couldn't finish up... They're very generous in giving those ingredients that come with the soup based like toufu, pig blood jelly etc... even if you're tabao-ing...

Day 2-Watsons/Cosmed/五分埔/东区

We actually wanted to go 阜杭豆浆 but we knew it's gonna be at least an hour Q there so we didn't wanna waste our time Q-ing since it's just a short trip this time for us so we headed to the not-so-bad 永和豆浆nearby our hotel, just a 5-minute walk.

汤包 or 小笼包 whatever u name it 

My 烤饼with ham and egg

Been wondering how salty soya milk would taste like...It taste like tofu in sukiyaki soup to me lol which is quite good but I couldn't take much...Soy is filling...

So the day 2 itinerary in Xi Men Ding was Watsons, Cosmed and Watsons and Cosmed lol

Uncle said 50岚 is the most popular bubble tea chain in TW... So must try!!! Chatime is nothing there

Muachi ala Japanese something like that.. We ordered seaweed flavour... I like it!! Sweet ma...hehe

Cheesy mashed potato... Thank you Yar...hehe

Big intestine wrap small intestine...Lousy direct translation... Big intestine is made of glutinous rice (not really a pig's intestine) and small intestine means Taiwanese sausage!

So snack before heading to the next shopping place, 五分埔! The bottom 2 are 豪大大 sotong balls and tempura~

*Shopping shopping at 五分埔*

Dinner or supper whatever, at one of the cafes in 东区~ Seriously in love with Taiwan..24-hour restaurants, cafes EVERYWHERE!!!! and uncle said if you're lucky, you may bump into celebrities in 东区 yo.... Obviously we're not lucky enough, yet..

He was completely exhausted~ Have some rest my Yarling :*

Day 3- 淡水

Having my 蛋饼 in one random breakfast shop nearby our hotel again... I personally think this is way better than the 士林小吃 chain de 蛋饼. Our hotel quite conveniently located isn't it? lol

His burger and black coffee

One and only cherry blossom left 

I wonder how near he got to the blossom to get this sticking on his moustache

btw I didn't edit any of these pics, all taken by my ip6 so even the blurry romantic effect is not filtered oh

Sooooo refreshing!!!

Tasteless sundae cone...We threw almost half of it~ we bought the large one somemore aiksss....

Long lost brother found

He said nice but me noooonooooo.....

Uncle Auntie like mala so much~ Mala ramen again...... I took the mild spicy, or non spicy at all one I would say, hehe... This is his Mala beef udon~ I took Mala pork vermicelli....

Day 4-野柳/ 阳明山

Cosmetic coffee 

Uncle got sweet tooth like me tooo~ Brick-like toast pyramid

Showing off 美腿 lol

Buying some 土产...not some actually, bought too much aiksss

At one sleeping volcano on our way up to 阳明山

Warming sweet potato soup

Forgot what is this called..Some bread with condensed milk as dipping

One of the dishes for dinner~ Stinky mala toufu~ just tried a quarter cube....
It was so jam on our down from 阳明山 so we stopped by one hot spring resort de restaurant at mid hill

Just drive by, snap photo, and post here saying, I've been here!! lol

Tight schedule so we skipped this, I mean all night markets T.T

So this pretty much sum up what we (mainly me) bought in TW 5D4N trip

We didn't get to go so many places and never get to tried much of TW delicacies too
So to satisfied my craving on the last day before heading to airport, 卤肉饭 at one random kopitiam

errrrrr, his 车仔面... My poor yarling~ Apparently this is not gonna be enough for him for the whole day. He didn't want to eat on the plane too claiming the meal on plane is too expensive...well, can diet good also la

Checking in at 桃园 air port

Taiwan is really a good place~ Till next time!
