Friday, October 7, 2011


It's been awhile~ and blogspot has changed its layout and I don even notice~ Looks cool~

This not gonna be an interesting post but simply for sharing~ =)

This pic below was my dinner for the past Friday~ Guess how much was my one piece of carrot cake and a cup of blended fruit juice dinner???  More than 10 bucks man!!! No choice cuz my tummy was craving for cake so bad, so, have to pamper my tummy after a tiring week~

This all in one juice contained watermelon, honey dew, milk, orange and I cant really remember da rest, but it was good!!!

I actually wanted to have cake at Han's but too bad it was full house~!!! No table for me to enjoy my "dinner" and so, I went Coffee Bean~

I understand from Sy's sis-in-law that there's one Coffee Bean located somewhere at International Plaza or near to the Tanjong Pagar mrt, after 5 or 6pm, U can get any cakes from Coffee Bean at half price!! Which mean, a cake tat cost $5 will sell only for $2.50~!!! I havent tried da discounted cake so far, but will try out one day...=)

Depending on how much I would crave for it~ 

This pic below was my dinner for Sat and I believe it was da next day after da abovementioned Friday~

It's Mr. You Tiao~ Da set I ordered included of course da you tiao, porridge and a soy bean~

There are alot flavors of you tiao to choose from and wat i remember da most was da almond you tiao~ Nice!!! i think got seaweed, onion and etc...and i find it quite special~
I never tried any of the flavors anyway~ =P

Oukay~ short and simply enough~ baiiiii

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