Thursday, September 20, 2012

Our Precious Lil Vacation

Juz a short post on our little vacation in Langkawi Island~ It wasn't tat awesome on da first day~ Raining, ferry delayed, my lunch delayed (I was really starving!!!), dizzy in da ferry and so on and my mood was totally bad and wondered what am I doin here in tis island~ holy crap!!! and Yarling keep telling me tat we're gonna stay at homestay~ gonna share toilet with other housemates and so, I admit tat I wasnt really happy for tis trip at the first place~ and pardon me tat I've said a lot of unfavourable words to Yar~ intentionally~ lolz....when tis trip was meant for my burfday~ as a celebration between us and a pressie for me~

We waited~~


and waited.....

All pics were taken using my ip4s~ so, kinda blur~

I took a nap in a ferry~ didnt talk much as I felt like throwing up~ eventhou I got nothing left in my tummy~ all my breakfast had been well-digested~ after like, 6-7 hours??? Da ferry was god damn slow as it was raining and hence, wavy~ captain drove lambat asalkan selamat~ wtf~

Once landed, quickly get a car~ guess wat~ we got QQ!! =.="

and his favourite colour~ in green~ haha

I don wanna complain much ady la~ not bad at least, it didnt breakdown along da trip~ lol~ For me, it has no difference with kancil but born in China~

Oukay! continue on my lunch at 5 p.m.~ I was so hungry tat I can swallow a hippo~ I started with free pop corn, does it count?? lol~ 

then the real starter, mushroom soup~

...and bruchetta~

my juice~ well, I don usually order drink as once my tummy is filled with all those liquid, I'll nvr ever gonna finish my meal anymore~ but but but!! as I mentioned zillion times already, I very L~ n I need a lot of FOOD!!! 

and my pasta!!! I forgot da name but I think it's a combination of various kind herbs and CHEESE!!! OMG I must tell u tat tis bowl of penne was really a food from heaven for me~ sooooooooooo gooooooooood!!!

His un-yummy looking spaghetti~ =P Well, I wanted to order tis initially but he said he wanted this also~ Okay~ Wo Rang Ni~  

Should u happen to be there in Langkawi, must go Red Tomato!!!! I personally recommend it~ 

After da dinner, yea, by da time we finished it, it's nearly dinner time already~ We checked in our hotel~ and it's not a homestay~ Birthday gal got fooled! We stayed at Mutiara Burau Bay Beach Resort~ It was far from da Kuah town but da sea view was beautiful~ After a tiring day, we both slept like a dead fish at around 8 p.m. until.....11 p.m. plus~ As I cant take meds with my empty tummy and so~ we had to get some food~ Da only choice, nearest place to find food, was......lobby~ Y lobby?? To get the room service's menu~!!! =P

We ordered one pizza and shared the food with a midnite movie, SALT~ =)

This is how we spent our first day in Langkawi~

The following day, simply shopping and roaming around the Kuah Town~ Looking for local food and I have no idea why am I so craving for Laksa at tat moment~ I damn miss Malaysia local food man!!!

Thanks God that we found Malay Laksa at da roadside~ Stopped by for a quick snack and went to Gunung Raya Tower!!! It was cooling and foggy due to da rain last nite~ 

I got da chance to try out something new~ da cigar and ice wine~!!! Don particularly like any one of them but just try for fun~

We picked a cheapest wine corkscrew at only RM3 or 5 as we didnt wanna waste our money buying an expensive one juz for a bottle of wine~ 

Now, let's see wat happened~


We tried to look for ways to open it from youtube videos but most of da solutions didnt work for our situation~ no choice but to visit our hotel's bar and ask for HELP~!!!

Cheers!!! and good nite~

We took our brunch at the Loaf and left on da next day~

Ok, I shall sleep now~ Thanks for reading and bye~

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